about this artwork

breaking free - the last journey of huguette



that 23 September – a sunny sunday morning – whilst the birds started singing outside of her hospital room huguette eventually broke free from her life’s burden in the presence of her loved ones.  

she joined her beloved father fallen in normandy in august 1944 captured, tortured and killed in the woods with several other men of the local french resistance by the french pro vichy special police force.

she had her 85th birthday a year earlier and all of her family and friends showed up to celebrate this outstanding woman. on october 1st,

the same people mourned her and accompanied her on her final journey all day long. huguette was loved, adored actually, by everyone. she will always be in our hearts.

MERCI POUR TOUT, MAMAN – reposez en paix …


her ashes will find a final resting place in a so-called FRIEDWALD not far from our home.

it’s an area ofa variety of trees near the rhine river and on may 1st, 2019 – her birthday – a second ceremony will takeplace there as part of her ashes will rest under a tree. the other part of her ashes will be placed to rest in the l’hôme-chamondot woods in Normandy on August 9th, 2019 at the exact scene of her father’s execution.

MESSAGE from THE NEWBIE that I am in the Art World

As a newbie int the art jungle I had to learn quite a painful lesson indeed - four years ago I was contacted by 


telling me that they were quite interested in representing me and my artwork.


As a newbie I have never before heard about so-called VANITY GALLERIES, etc. and believed that - if you wish to exhibit here and there - then one  would have to pay for that. Today I - as well as plenty of other unhappy artists which had put their faith in ART PRODUCTIONS NEW YORK CITY - have learned that I had been fooled for almost 2 years and that my reputation as an artist must have been dangerously jeopardized because of my ignorance and naiveté, or - as many art critics see it - for wanting to boost my ego.

That has never been my attention at all ... unfortunuately, I didn't know it better at that time.

What had happen however is that not only did ART PRODUCTIONS NEW YORK CITY  NOT do anything of what they promised and got largely paid for

 but worst of all - they never returned my two artworks in their "care"

# 280   THE TEAR

as well as

# 285   BREAKING FREE - the last journey of huguette

The two artworks that connected me to my late mother-in-law !!!


May this mishap be a warning to other inexperienced artists - never accept invitations from any VANITY GALLERY that are pure scam ...             

 Be careful, watch out, check out before making a decision involving your artwork or your money !!!